Saturday, June 19, 2010

Should I have my hair cut short?

I thing long hair make a female look gorgeous, but like I have heard some with long hair say you aren't the one that's got to wash it and take care of it.

Should I have my hair cut short?


Should I have my hair cut short?


Should I have my hair cut short?

I like it shaved, it makes it much cleaner, but its really about prefference, some guys like the wild bush look. I like that stuff shaved.

Should I have my hair cut short?

Too short to wear in a ponytail and it can become a real hassle.

Should I have my hair cut short?

do you think you'd look good with short hair? Ask the hairdresser, they will probably be able to tell you. Or there are sites that allow you to upload a photo and try things out on that.

Should I have my hair cut short?

Why not. It will grow back.

Should I have my hair cut short?


Should I have my hair cut short?

No...Men prefer women with long hair...I just read about it in a magazine..:)

Should I have my hair cut short?


I'm a photographer. Most of the gals that get their hair cut tell me they regret it. One reason is:

A short hair cut locks you into a single style and look. You can't put it up, put it back, or wear it long... its just one look. It may be easier to take care of but if you have long hair you can always put it up throw it into a poney tail in a pinch. Remember it only grows out about 1/2 inch a month on the average!

Don't cut it short.. just get a nice LONG hair style update!

Should I have my hair cut short?

I think long hair on a girl is better looking most of the time. But if you want to easily take care of your hair washing it I would cut it short to see how it looks.

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